Unfortunately, we have decided to cancel the 2020 Narrow River Turnaround Swim.
We considered ways to adapt the swim to comply with social distancing guidelines, but ultimately we could not find a way to hold the swim in a way that would be completely safe for our swimmers and volunteers.
Please stay tuned – we are considering sponsoring a virtual event that would encourage enjoyment of the outdoors while socially distancing and would raise funds for Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA). We hope to have plans finalized by early June and will email you with details.
For folks who are registered for the swim, we’ll offer three options:
1) a full refund of your registration fee,
2) the opportunity to donate your registration fee to (NRPA), or
3) if we schedule a virtual event, you may transfer your registration to that event (and receive a Tshirt!)
If you would like a refund of your swim registration fee now, please email nrpa@narrowriver.org and we will be glad to process that as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support of Narrow River Preservation Association! Stay well, NRPA
Annually in late June, Narrow River Preservation Association hosts a one mile open water swim in one of Rhode Island’s most scenic waterways.
Please join us in June 2021 for the Narrow River Turnaround Swim.

Where: URI Boathouse – Campanella Rowing Center, 166 Walmsley Lane, North Kingstown, R.I.
Distance: One Mile (1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back). Common start for wetsuit and non-wetsuit divisions.
Limit: 150 participants.
Entry Fee: $35 preregistration; $40 the day of the swim. The first 125 entrants receive a Narrow River Turnaround Swim T-shirt.
Timing: Ankle chip timing by Timing Plus New England.
Awards: Four awards: best times for male and female swimmers in wetsuit and non-wetsuit divisions.
Check In: 7:45 to 8:40 a.m. No one will be admitted to the Turnaround Swim unless he or she has checked in and received a numbered swim cap by 8:40 a.m.
Maximum Time: Swimmers are given one hour to complete the swim.
Mandatory Safety Briefing: 8:55 a.m.
Safety: Because of the uncertainty of weather conditions such as fog or lightning, the lifeguards and event committee reserve the right to cancel the event to ensure the safety of the participants.
Swim Sponsors: For an additional $20, become a member of NRPA and have your name printed on the Swim T-shirt to show your support for Narrow River.