A thriving and resilient Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) and its watershed.
The Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA) engages people to preserve and protect the Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) and its watershed.
We have been working toward this mission since our founding in 1970.
We welcome you to join our efforts by becoming an NRPA Member today.
NRPA is the Designated Watershed Council for Narrow River
The Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA) has been working since 1970 engage people to preserve and protect the Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) and its watershed. In 2006, NRPA underwent the process of the Rhode Island Rivers Council to become the State-Designated Watershed Council for Narrow River and has served as such ever since.
Our work includes:
- An extensive river monitoring program in which volunteers test water at 13 sites on the river and its freshwater inputs. The program, part of URI Watershed Watch, begins its 324th year in May 2025.
- A robust annual schedule of educational programs and recreational events that build awareness of the watershed and the need to protect its environment
- Support of other non-profit environmental and cultural groups in the three watershed towns and a willingness to cosponsor new programs
- Consistent and sustained public outreach through publications, speakers, a newsletter, a website, Facebook and Twitter
- Watchful eyes on the health of the river for all communities of life in the watershed
This work is driven by a collegial Board of Directors, whose fourteen members include scientists, educators, engineers and entrepreneurs, many of whom have been serving NRPA for more than two decades and all of whom are fiercely dedicated to the continued health of the watershed.
NRPA Mission Statement
The Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA) engages people to preserve and protect the Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) and its watershed.
NRPA History
Learn more about NRPA and our 50 years of Protecting, Preserving and restoring the Narrow (Pettaquamscutt) River and its Watershed in this presentation.

What does Narrow River Preservation Association do?
We educate: We believe that by educating youth and adults, we encourage them to care for and protect the environment. Our ‘What Lives in the River’ science exploration event, osprey education program for fourth graders, science fair awards and college scholarships to local students seek to encourage young people to care for and protect the environment.
We educate adults about the importance of preserving the river, watercraft safety, lawn care that is healthy for the environment and more through our newsletter, website, and On Pettaquamscutt Winter Speaker Series.
We research: In 1992, NRPA started our River Watch program, testing the water quality in the river. In collaboration with URI Watershed Watch, we now have decades of water quality data that informs our efforts to identify and correct problems and keep the river as clean as possible.
We collaborate: Since 1970, NRPA has worked with local, state, federal, non-profit and private partners to care for the environment of the Narrow River Watershed. NRPA was instrumental in writing the Narrow River Special Area Management Plan in 1980, ensuring responsible development in the watershed. In 2017 and 2019, NRPA partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to plant more than 70,000 salt marsh grass seedlings on restored marshes along Narrow River.
We take action: Twice a year we host River Cleanups and organize volunteers to clean up trash in the watershed.
We advocate: NRPA makes proactive recommendations on land protection, housing developments, stormwater treatment and urban sprawl issues to local authorities.
As the Rhode Island Rivers Council designated watershed council for Narrow River, NRPA’s input is sought by municipalities, builders, planners, and others when any action in the watershed is proposed.
We celebrate: NRPA has a long history of researching and sharing the cultural and historical elements of the watershed. Through tours, articles, and commemorations, we honor the presence and history of Indigenous people in the area, the shipbuilding industry in Narrow River, the little red shack on Sedge Island, and many more attributes of this unique area.
We also celebrate the natural beauty of Narrow River through our annual Art on the River, Narrow River Swim and Pettaquamscutt Paddle events.
In 2020, we celebrated 50 years of NRPA’s success!
Who is Narrow River Preservation Association?
NRPA is you! We are concerned citizens who volunteer our time to protect the area we love.
Led by an active Board of Directors and one part-time Program Coordinator, NRPA is a 501(c)3 certified non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Through the efforts of our many volunteers, we are able to make a big impact in this small area.
Please become a member at or by sending a check to PO Box 8, Saunderstown, RI 02874