Many thanks to all those who helped make the sixth season a great success, with each presentation drawing an audience of 80 or more and filling the library meeting rooms:

♦ To Rosemary and David Smith who lead the effort each season,
♦ To Marilyn Sherman and the staff at the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library for hosting the events,
♦ To Friends of Canonchet Farm and South County Museum our partners in organizing the series and arranging for the speakers,
♦ To Trio Restaurant, which donates gift certificates to Newport Restaurant Group eateries to thank our presenters,
♦ And of course, to our 2017 lineup of speakers:

January 29, 2017: Improving the Health of the Narrow River Estuary
These two presentations featured two projects designed to improve the marsh resiliency and water quality in Narrow River:
Dr. Jennifer White, Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Coordinator for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, describes recent efforts to restore the salt marshes in Narrow River by placing dredged material on the surface of the marsh to raise the elevation so that plants can thrive.
Click here to see the full presentation.

Dr. Craig Swanson of Swanson Environmental Associates discusses a recent study on the impact of dredging near the mouth of the river to increase circulation within the estuary.
Click here to see the presentation.
February 26, 2017: Amphibians and Reptiles in the Narrow River Watershed

Dr. Nancy Karraker, URI Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources Science (shown on the left examining a turtle with grade school children during a guided walk on Canonchet Farm), will describe the wide variety of amphibians and reptiles that thrive in the Narrow River Watershed.
Dr. Karraker’s research has examined the impacts of habitat loss, pollution, climate change, invasive species and disease on biodiversity in North America and Southeast Asia. That research has included field studies with her students at Canonchet Farm.
Click here to see Dr. Karraker’s presentation.

March 26, 2017: Industry along the Mettatuxett and Pettaquamscutt
That is: Industry at “the well-wooded stream place” and the “Great Round Rock”.
Local historian, preservation advocate and columnist Tim Cranston took us on a virtual tour of the north end of the watershed and shared stories about the historic mills at Silver Spring, Shady Lea and Gilbert Stuart and how the Narragansett people organized use of the waters for fertilizer and food production.
Click here to see Tim’s presentation.
As with On Pettaquamscutt’s first five very successful seasons, the presentations are on Sunday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00 at the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library, 35 Kingstown Road, Narragansett. The series is free and open to the public. Preregistration is strongly recommended.
After each talk, all are invited to continue the conversation next door at Trio Restaurant, 15 Kingstown Road.