Canonchet Farm
Canonchet Farm has trails throughout their property. Click here for a trail map. Parking is available at the Narragansett Community Center and at Annie Hoxsie Lane (non-beach season only).
Canonchet Farm also offers a History Trail Map subtitled “A Walk Through the Woods ~ A Journey Through Time“.
King Benson Preserve
Operated by The Nature Conservancy of Rhode Island and the Narrow River Land Trust, the King Benson Preserve can be accessed by the parking lot along Boston Neck Road or the parking lot along Snuff Mill Road.

Garrison House Acres
Narrow River Land Trust’s Garrison House Acres Trail is 1.0 mile long and it is “Easy”. This beautiful 26-acre coastal property is nestled along the Narrow River in South Kingstown.The one-mile walk follows a loop trail through deciduous woodlands, freshwater marshes, open fields and along salt marsh fringing the Narrow River. Halfway around the trail is an active osprey nest.
This property is of particular ecological interest because of its variety of habitats and because it abuts other conserved lands including the 554-acre John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge at Pettaquamscutt Cove (managed by US Fish & Wildlife) and land conserved by the Audubon Society of Rhode Island.
Together these conservation properties form a contiguous band of wildlife habitat along Pettaquamscutt Cove and the lower Narrow River.
Casey Farm
Casey Farm is one of more than three dozen properties owned and operated by Historic New England. The farm is located on the ancestral homeland of the Narragansett nation. In the eighteenth century, this property overlooking Narragansett Bay produced food for local and foreign markets. Today, farm managers raise organically grown produce for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. A weekly farmers’ market from May to October offers products from Casey Farm and other local farms vendors. Choose from a wide range of farm-based education programs. Tour the farmyard to visit the animals, see the cemetery where six generations of Caseys are buried, and peruse the farm house museum gallery featuring family portraits and cultural objects representing all the people of this land.
Easy trails follow old cart roads and fire breaks through about 2.5 miles of trails from woodlands to Narragansett Bay. Most of the trails are open year-round, dawn to dusk, but there are some access restrictions. Find a trail map and much more on our digital tour experience: (Trail map at the bottom of the page.)
Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum
The Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum has trails accessible during museum hours with admission or yearly membership. Maps are available in the office. More information at