Annually in late June, Narrow River Preservation Association hosts a one mile open water swim in one of Rhode Island’s most scenic waterways.

When: Saturday, June 21, 2025, 9:00am (rain or shine)
Where: URI Boathouse – Flagg Rowing Center, 166 Walmsley Lane, North Kingstown, R.I.
Registration: Online or by mail. Online registration closes at 6pm the day before the swim. In person the morning of the swim will be available if space allows.
Entry Fee: Includes 2025 Turnaround Swim T-shirt. Entry fees are non-refundable.
Swim Sponsor: Includes swim registration, one year NRPA membership and name listed on the 2025 Turnaround Swim T-shirt.
Distance: One Mile (1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back). Common start for wetsuit and non-wetsuit divisions.
Limit: 150 participants.
Timing: Ankle chip timing.
Check In: 7:45 to 8:40 a.m. No one will be admitted to the Turnaround Swim unless he or she has checked in and received a numbered swim cap by 8:40 a.m.
Maximum Time: Swimmers are given one hour to complete the swim.
Mandatory Safety Briefing: 8:55 a.m.
Safety: Because of the uncertainty of weather conditions such as fog or lightning, the lifeguards and event committee reserve the right to cancel the event to ensure the safety of the participants.
A WORD OF CAUTION! The Narrow River is home to Rhode island’s only substantial population of native oysters, but the edges of these wonderful oysters can be SHARP! We recommend protective footwear for the Turnaround Swim. Participation is at your own risk.
Curious about swimming in Narrow River? Check out this essay by swimmer and Narrow River enthusiast Veronica Berounsky!