NRPA Membership – Join or Renew

Join or Renew

Since 1970, Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA) has been working to engage people to preserve and protect the Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) and its watershed.

We need YOUR SUPPORT for our many education and preservation programs, including: 

  • osprey education program for fourth graders, teaching about osprey and concepts of ecology, stewardship and preservation
  • River Watch water quality monitoring program, testing 13 sites in the river, most since 1991
  • Lesa Meng College scholarships for local high school seniors pursuing a college degree in science
  • Science and Art Fair Awards encouraging local students to examine and understand the environment through science and art
  • What Lives in the River family science exploration event
  • Art on the River, appreciating the Narrow River through a variety of art forms, including traditional Indigenous crafts
  • public education through our newsletter Narrow River Notes, online resources and On Pettaquamscutt Annual Speaker Series
  • watchful eyes on proposed activity and development in the watershed
  • alerts and communications to the public when issues arise concerning the watershed
  • and so much more. 

We need your support now more than ever. Please donate. 


Narrow River Preservation Association is a 501 (c) 3 certified non-profit organization based in Saunderstown, RI. NRPA was founded in 1970. 

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