On Pettaquamscutt Speaker

Dr. Blaine Hymel, Veterinarian at the Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island will present ‘Environmental Toxin Exposure in Rhode Island Wildlife, A Veterinary View‘ on Sunday, March 30 at 1pm at Maury Loontjens Library in Narragansett, RI.

March 30
Environmental Toxin Exposure in Rhode Island Wildlife, A Veterinary View
Dr. Blaine Hymel

Blaine Hymel, Veterinarian at the Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island, is a graduate of the Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine. She is sponsored by NRPA.

Blaine, Veterinarian at the Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island, is a graduate of the Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine. She will talk about what can be done to alter the impact of toxins on local wildlife.

On Pettaquamscutt talks are presented at the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library in Narragansett, 25 Pier Marketplace, Narragansett, starting at 1:00 p.m.

On Pettaquamscutt is a collaboration between the Friends of Canonchet FarmNarrow River Preservation AssociationSouth County Museum, and the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library.

All talks are free and open to the public.

Participants can register at the calendar page of the library website to reserve a seat. Registration will open at the beginning of the month for each presentation.

For more information, go to onpettaquamscutt.org or call 401 783-5344.

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