As part of the Middlebridge Conservation Land Management Plan, the Town of Narragansett intends to remove the entire asphalt parking lot located in front of the marina and relocate it to a higher elevation to the eastern side of the former café (yellow building).
In doing so, the town will restore a salt marsh at the top of bank and a coastal buffer in the former parking area and create a more resilient shoreline that is tolerant to coastal flooding. By removing the asphalt along the edge of the river, the amount of untreated stormwater runoff flowing directly into Narrow River will be reduced.
Public access will be provided to the shoreline and interpretive signage will educate the public about the Town’s coastal adaptation efforts.
The parking facility in the rear should handle most of the displaced parking although a small parking area adjacent to the cottages may be added to offset their lost spaces.
Construction will be completed this year (2023) although some landscaping and signage may carry over to next season.
Click the image to see a PDF of the planned upgrades at Middlebridge in 2023.
The Narrow River Preservation Association chooses a different organism as its mascot annually to depict on the logo of the Narrow River Turnaround Swim T-Shirt. This year it is a North American River Otter (scientific name Lontra canadensis). Although the River Otter is abundant in Rhode Island, it is rarely seen because it is shy and lives mainly on land. A good indication of its presence, however, are the piles of shells and fish scales it leaves scattered on rocks and banks (Reid 471).
If you have seen a photo of an otter before, an image may come to mind of a cute creature swimming on its back, head above water. This image would be of a Sea Otter (scientific name Enhydra lutris), not a River Otter because the habit of swimming on its back is a key characteristic that distinguishes the Sea Otter from the River Otter (“River Otters | Seattle Aquarium”). Although both species are members of the weasel family Mustelidae, they can be distinguished in numerous ways. Most importantly, unlike the Sea Otter, the River Otter predominantly lives on land. In winter it uses water bodies including iced-over lakes to find food (“River Otters | Seattle Aquarium”) and breathes using air pockets under the ice (“River Otter Wildlife Note”). It also has a playful habit of sliding and galloping across ice. The two otter species also differ in size and coloration. The Sea Otter lives only in the Pacific Ocean (“Scientific Classification”).
Here’s a video of an otter in South Kingstown, RI. Many thanks to Elise Torello for the use of her video.
The River Otter is large, with a body spanning 26-31 inches. As a semi-aquatic animal, it has a thick tapered tail, broad webbed feet, and a streamlined form that makes it well-adapted to both land and water. In contrast, the Sea Otter is three times as large and has a narrower tail. The River Otter’s sleek coat is rich brown with a silvery underbelly and its pale orange eyes have a bright eyeshine (Reid 471). The sensitive whiskers on its muzzle are used to hunt various fish, which are an important part of its diet. The River Otter also preys on shellfish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, birds, and other mammals.
River otters. Photo courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife Service.
The River Otter is native to North America. It is found in the Eastern United States, Alaska, and large swaths of Canada. In these regions, the River Otter’s primary habitat is land near marine and freshwater bodies of water, such as Narrow River and Narragansett Bay, where it lives in above or below-water dens or abandoned shelters of other animals (“River Otters | Seattle Aquarium”). Breeding occurs in the spring. Females normally have a litter of 2-4 pups that they raise alone (Brown 3).
Although the River Otter population has declined in America in the past due to the pollution of its habitat, protection of the species and water quality monitoring have slowly aided their comeback (Brown 3). Likewise, in Rhode Island, the passing of legislation, the creation of habitats, and the improvement of water quality have helped the River Otter population rise and stabilize (Brown).
Click here to read about the 2023 Narrow River Turnaround Swim in The Independent. Photos by Michael Derr.
Thanks to all of the hardy swimmers who swam the 2023 Narrow River Turnaround Swim on June 24. It was almost as wet out of the water as in.
Many thanks to Frank McQuiggan, volunteer safety kayaker, who has shared an photos for all to enjoy (see below). Thank you Frank! Click here to see all of Frank’s photos.
We were pleased to present the following awards!
Women’s non-wetsuit first place – Abby Bauman 24:07
Men’s non-wet-suit first place – Eric Nillson 21:12
Women’s wetsuit first place – Kate Porter 25:23
Men’s wetsuit first place – Stuart Cromarty 22:24
Middle of the pack – Jennifer McCaffrey 34:15
Youngest finisher – Ben Crowder Age 11
Oldest finisher – George Geoffrey Age 77
Finisher who traveled the farthest – McKenzie Moore (Hawaii!)
Almost 30% of the participants were from out-of-state. Maybe that’s not surprising for a swimming event taking place in the smallest state!
Annually in late June, Narrow River Preservation Association hosts a one mile open water swim in one of Rhode Island’s most scenic waterways.Register online now!
When: Saturday, June 24, 2023, 9:00am (rain or shine)
Where: URI Boathouse – Campanella Rowing Center, 166 Walmsley Lane, North Kingstown, R.I.
Registration: Online or by mail (click here for printable form). Online registration closes at 6pm the day before the swim. In person the morning of the swim will be available if space allows.
Entry Fee: $40 through June 14; $45 on or after June 14 and the day of the swim. Includes 2023 Turnaround Swim T-shirt (size guaranteed for registrations by 5/30).
Swim Sponsor: $70 (includes swim registration, one year NRPA membership and name listed on the 2023 Turnaround Swim T-shirt), $75 after June 14 and on day of swim.
*T-shirt size and printing of Sponsor’s name on t-shirt not guaranteed after May 30.*
Distance: One Mile (1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back). Common start for wetsuit and non-wetsuit divisions.
Limit: 150 participants.
Timing: Ankle chip timing by Timing Plus New England.
Check In: 7:45 to 8:40 a.m. No one will be admitted to the Turnaround Swim unless he or she has checked in and received a numbered swim cap by 8:40 a.m.
Maximum Time: Swimmers are given one hour to complete the swim.
Mandatory Safety Briefing: 8:55 a.m.
Safety: Because of the uncertainty of weather conditions such as fog or lightning, the lifeguards and event committee reserve the right to cancel the event to ensure the safety of the participants.
Curious about swimming in Narrow River? Check out this essay by swimmer and Narrow River enthusiast Veronica Berounsky!
In the last issue of Narrow River Notes, we provided an overview of the options being considered by the Town of Narragansett for dredging the mouth of the river, as well as important considerations to the NRPA Board of Directors and other stakeholders.
In an important development, on October 7th the outgoing Town Council passed a motion to approve Alternative 4 as the selected short term alternate. This alternative involves land-based mechanical dredging with dredged material to be placed in close proximity to the dredge site that is acceptable to regulatory agencies as determined during the permitting process (see graphic below). The motion is fully contingent on the availability of funding (estimated construction cost range $771,040 to $1,252,940).
The motion also directs the Town Manager to seek financing options for the project, continue to coordinate with Foth Engineering on the next steps for obtaining licensing permits, and engage with key stakeholders (including NRPA) to move forward with the project.
As background, a work session was held on August 5, 2024 with the Town Council and the town’s consultant Foth Engineering. Three hydraulic dredging options (Alternatives 1-3) with increasing dredge volumes and the sand being returned to Narragansett Beach, were presented. The cost estimates for the three options were substantial (click here for the full Town Council Work Section Packet for September 16, 2024).
Hydraulic dredging relies on specialized dredging barges and pumps to remove sand and redeposit it elsewhere using hydraulic forces. This dredging method is often far more costly than sand removal via traditional mechanical dredging with long-arm excavators working from land. The Town Council recognized that there is significant community interest on this topic and this initial work session provided an opportunity to continue discussions.
At a second work session held on September 16th, two additional options (Alternatives 4 and 5) involving land-based mechanical dredging were presented. Following the second Work Session, the Town participated in a meeting held by representatives of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The FWS identified conditions that would complicate the permitting process for Alternative 5, which also included dune restoration along the split. As a result, The Town Council felt the selection of the Alternative 4 will allow the project to advance to the permitting phase now so that construction could proceed in a timely manner pending available financing.
NRPA continues to track the project and provide technical guidance to decision makers on behalf of our membership.
Those who regularly visit the mouth of Narrow River know that the channels and sand spit are constantly reshaped in response to coastal storm events, beach erosion, tides and currents. These are natural coastal processes.
During the past two years, the combination of coastal storms and alongshore sediment transport from the town beach has dramatically increased the volume of sand within the flood tide delta (“sandbar”) just inside the mouth of the river. This has presented a challenge for boaters on the river, particularly following storm events, as the channels near the mouth reorganize and can be difficult to navigate.
It is important, however, to recognize that flood tide deltas (like the sandbar at the mouth) are naturally occurring deposits that form inside tidal inlets and are dynamic landforms that will continue to change as sediment is transported by storm surges, tidal currents and ocean waves.
This time lapse video compares aerial images of the mouth of Narrow (Pettaquamscutt) River from April 2003 to April 2024. The red dot in the video indicates the location of the flagpole – a former boat outhaul post placed in the 1960’s by the Dunes Club caretaker.
This flagpole is a former boat outhaul post placed in the 1960’s by the Dunes Club caretaker.
Due to the difficult navigation of the mouth, Tony Columbo of the Mettatuxet Yacht club championed an effort to dredge the sand deposits to the Town of Narragansett. Correspondingly, the Town of Narragansett has hired an engineering firm to develop solutions which aim to restore safe recreational boating while maintaining and preserving critical habitats within the Narrow River. The RI Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) Narrow River Special Area Management Plan(SAMP) includes provisions that allow the river mouth to be dredged periodically. The dredged sand would be used to replenish the Narragansett Town Beach. Dredging is only allowed to support safe recreational uses of the river under the SAMP.
NRPA exists to preserve, protect, and restore the natural environment and the quality of life for all communities within the Narrow River; NRPA will be actively engaged in all capital projects proposed in the Narrow River watershed including dredging and dredging alternatives.
NRPA is designated by the RI Rivers Council as the “state-designated Watershed Council” for the Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) Watershed. In accordance with General Laws of Rhode Island Section 42-28-8, NRPA has the authority to evaluate proposed actions so that any resulting concerns may be considered by the CRMC.
Issues to be evaluated by NRPA include:
Range of alternatives to meet project objectives
Construction methods (mechanical or hydraulic dredging, access, refueling, dewatering, haul roads, etc.)
Short-term consequences to shorebirds, fish, shellfish and other aquatic resources during dredging activities
Measures taken to avoid and minimize adverse impacts such as Time of Year restrictions to avoid winter flounder spawning or river herring migration
Possible changes to tidal circulation (e.g., improved tidal flushing, changes in current speeds, increased duration and frequency of flooding on upstream salt marshes)
Improvements to boater safety
Effects on other recreational uses
Options for reuse of removed sand beach nourishment dune or salt marsh restoration
Benefits to improved coastal resilience of Narragansett Beach
Physical and chemical compatibility of sediments for beneficial reuse
Initial construction and life cycle costs (anticipated life span/maintenance requirements)
We will update our membership with further information as the project planning advances.
NRPA has maintained a library of relevant engineering studies from the last several decades that evaluate the impacts of dredging the river mouth or the beneficial re-use of the dredged sediment. These items are linked below for our membership and members of the public who wish to learn more. We will continue to update these materials as information becomes available.
In a 2009 unpublished draft report, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Water Management Section discussed results of a numerical modeling study to determine the relative impacts of incremental dredging alternatives at the mouth of Narrow River ranging from 28,000 cubic yards to 68,000 cubic yards. The modeling considered effects on tide range, current speeds, peak volume flows, and tidal prism/flushing time changes. In general, the modeling demonstrated an increased tide range and corresponding reduction in flushing times with greater dredge volumes.
In 2011, the town commissioned the Narragansett Town Beach Replenishment Feasibility. The goal of this study was to identify a potential beach replenishment solution for Narragansett Beach that provides protection for the upland infrastructure and creates a sustainable beach with a reasonable performance lifetime. The beach nourishment alternatives ranged from 50,000 cubic yards (a volume that could be sourced from the mouth of the River, based on the 2009 USACE study above) to 327,200 cubic yards.
In 2016, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), USACE, and CRMC recommended that a numerical modeling study be undertaken to determine what the impact of dredging at the mouth might be on the circulation, flushing, and general water quality in the river. A hydrodynamic model was used to evaluate a series of four hypothetical dredging scenarios, from -1 m Mean Sea Level (MSL) to -3 m MSL, which removed between 1.5 m (4.9 ft) and 3.5 m (11.5 ft) from the flood tidal delta at the mouth, or between 21,500 m3 (28,100 yds3) and 184,000 m3 (241,000 yds3). Like the 2009 study, this modeling effort found an increase in the tide range (reduced restriction to the flow) with increasing dredging depth. An example of the model results is presented below, which shows the model-predicted water levels upstream of Sprague Bridge (Boston Neck Road) over a 5-day period. The increase in the tide range was greater for the larger volume dredging scenarios and most noticeable at low tide. The tidal flushing time within the River was reduced from 3.8 days compared to the range of 3.5 to 2.3 days for the dredging scenarios.
Another important consideration with dredging at the mouth and thus increasing the tide range is the effect on Mean High Water (MWH) levels in the area of the USFWS salt marsh restoration project. This restoration project included both drainage improvements and the placement of thin layers of dredged material on marsh surfaces in the river to build resiliency against increasing levels of sea level rise. In response, Craig Swanson and Malcolm Spaulding (the authors of the 2016 model predictions) provided a comparisonof the duration of tidal inundation for the different dredge alternatives with respect to measured marsh control point elevations provided by the USFWS.
Since 1970, Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA) has been working to engage people to preserve and protect the Narrow River (Pettaquamscutt Estuary) and its watershed.
We need YOUR SUPPORT for our many education and preservation programs, including:
osprey education program for fourth graders, teaching about osprey and concepts of ecology, stewardship and preservation
River Watch water quality monitoring program, testing 13 sites in the river, most since 1991
Lesa Meng College scholarships for local high school seniors pursuing a college degree in science
Science and Art Fair Awards encouraging local students to examine and understand the environment through science and art
What Lives in the River family science exploration event
Art on the River, appreciating the Narrow River through a variety of art forms, including traditional Indigenous crafts
public education through our newsletter Narrow River Notes, online resources and On Pettaquamscutt Annual Speaker Series
watchful eyes on proposed activity and development in the watershed
alerts and communications to the public when issues arise concerning the watershed
and so much more.
We need your support now more than ever. Please donate.
Narrow River Preservation Association is a 501 (c) 3 certified non-profit organization based in Saunderstown, RI. NRPA was founded in 1970.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in our Art Auction!
Thanks to the generosity of artists, donors and buyers, we raised nearly $5,000 for NRPA programs!
The auction is now over, but below you can see some of the works we offered. Most have a link to the artists who would love additional business!
“Forest #1“ by Richard Barker Grant
Oil on canvas. Framed. Measures 16 ½” x 20 ½”
Auction item #1
About the artwork:
This oil painting is from an early series of abstract art work that has been continued for the past 50 years. The scene is sketched, oil painted and then outlined highlighting shape and/or color.
About the artist:
“Throughout my life, creating art has been a centerpiece, featuring oil painting watercolors, wood cutting, set design, packaging design and inventing techniques of integrating watercolors and mica. My vocation of Art Director, partner of Cambridge Paper Box and founder of R. B. Grant & Associates has followed the art pathway of my art avocation.”
Richard Barker Grant has served on NRPA’s Board of Directors since 1972, including his extensive term as NRPA Board President since 1995.
“Walt“ by John Fawcett
Woodblock print in store bought frame measuring 8.5” x 11”
Auction item #2
About the artwork:
A woodblock print of Walt Disney and some of his beloved characters.
About the artist:
A professor of art at the University of Connecticut for thirty-two years, John Fawcett has been collecting antique toys and original comic art for decades. The extensive collection is lovingly crammed into seven colorful rooms at Fawcett’s Waldoboro Antique Toy & Art Museum in Maine.
His drawings and paintings transform the pop-culture imagery of his collection with anamorphic and laser distortions. “My work is about color interaction and artistic process; it’s not about a mouse that is the symbol of a theme park in Florida.”
“Mic-a-rt #1“ by Richard Barker Grant
Mica and mixed media mounted on tile. Measures 11 5/8” x 11 5/8”.
Auction item #3
About the artwork:
This is a watercolor that is integrated with mica mined in Maine that is separated and adhered to the watercolor. It is backed on a tile and framed with a wood molding.
About the artist:
“Throughout my life, creating art has been a centerpiece, featuring oil painting watercolors, wood cutting, set design, packaging design and inventing techniques of integrating watercolors and mica. My vocation of Art Director, partner of Cambridge Paper Box and founder of R. B. Grant & Associates has followed the art pathway of my art avocation.”
Richard Barker Grant has served on NRPA’s Board of Directors since 1972, including his extensive term as NRPA Board President since 1995.
“Mic-a-rt #2“ by Richard Barker Grant
Mica and mixed media mounted on tile. Measures 11 5/8” x 11 5/8”.
Auction item #4
About the artwork:
This is a watercolor that is integrated with mica mined in Maine that is separated and adhered to the watercolor. It is backed on a tile and framed with a wood molding.
About the artist:
“Throughout my life, creating art has been a centerpiece, featuring oil painting watercolors, wood cutting, set design, packaging design and inventing techniques of integrating watercolors and mica. My vocation of Art Director, partner of Cambridge Paper Box and founder of R. B. Grant & Associates has followed the art pathway of my art avocation.”
Richard Barker Grant has served on NRPA’s Board of Directors since 1972, including his extensive term as NRPA Board President since 1995.
Conservation Edition First of State 1989 Rhode Island Duck Stamp & Print by Robert Steiner
Print #168/200
Auction item #5
About the artwork:
This Conservation Edition print (168/200) of the 1989 Rhode Island “First of State” Duck Stamp is accompanied here by an original 1989 waterfowl stamp and an original 2004 waterfowl stamp, a 15th Anniversary re-issue.
The work features a pair of Canvasbacks with Pettaquamscutt Cove in the background and Gooseberry Island can be clearly seen.
About the Artist:
Robert Steiner is one of the most renowned wildlife artists in America. He has designed twelve state duck stamps, more than any other artist. He has received numerous awards and has exhibited at major shows and galleries across the nation.
“Narrow River Kayaks“ by Patricia Sylvia
Oil on board. Framed. Measures 20 ½” x 10 ¾”
Auction item #6
About the artist:
Patricia (Pati) Sylvia is a fine artist, concentrating in oil painting. She loves to capture the light in South County Rhode Island and specializes in the local color of everyday beach scenes.
Pati is one of the founders and organizers of NRPA’s Art on the River, hosting plein air artists painting on the bank of Narrow (Pettaquamscutt) River annually each August.
Pati’s studio is located at “Studio 13” 123 Boon St, Narragansett, RI, where much of her work is on display. More of her work can be seen at Pati’s facebook page and instagram page.
Pati lives in Narragansett.
“House on the Inlet“ by Christine Webb
Oil on linen. Framed. Measures 7 ¾” x 13 ¾”.
Auction item #7
About the artwork:
“One of the most peaceful and beautiful vistas in Narragansett lies along the banks of the Narrow River. I was fortunate to be able to paint this scene from the lawn of a dear friend who lives opposite this beautiful location.”
About the artist:
Christine Webb began studying plein air painting in 2006, working in oils with plein air artist David Curtis. David instilled an initial love of the process, and since that time she has studied with several well-known New England artists, including Don Demers, Trish Hurley, Rosalie Nadeau, Judy Vilmain, and Anthony Tomaselli. In addition, she has studied with Roger Dale Brown, John Cosby, Mary Erickson, Hilarie Lambert, Karen Hagan, and Morgan Samuel Price.
Learning how to create a good composition, around a simple focal point, while incorporating a sense of light and atmosphere to tell a story, or capture a mood, has become more than a welcome challenge! Her work has been shown at the “Wickford Art Association,” “The Blink Gallery,” “The Spring Bull Gallery,” “Coastal Living Gallery,” “The Warwick Center For the Arts,” “The One Way Gallery,” “Imago,” and “Save the Bay.” Her work can also be seen at “Inside Style” in Wakefield, RI and “Gansett Goods”.
Christine is a member of the Wickford Art Association, and “Painters Over Light.” Her studio is located at “STUDIOS 123” 123 Boon St, Narragansett, RI., where much of her work is on display. She lives in Narragansett.
“Narrow Ways“ by Lorraine Hynes
Oil on panel board. Framed. Measures 11 ¾” x 9 ¾”.
Auction item #8
About the artist:
Lorraine Hynes is a fine artist based in Cumberland, RI.
She says “My passion and dedication for the arts has evolved over the last twenty five (25) years. My painting began with decorative arts studying with the late Mary McLean, Norfolk, MA, Leah Lopez, NYC and Anthony Tomaselli, Providence Art Club, participating in numerous workshops and then onto private lessons with Kelly McCullough at the Providence Art Club. My main focus has been still life in oils and developing my plein air skills.”
Lorraine is an exhibiting artist and Board member at the Providence Art Club, a current member of Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA), American Women Artists, Cape Cod Art Association, Creative Art Center, Bristol Art Museum, Newport Art Museum, Portsmouth Art Guild, Pawtucket Arts Collaborative, Attleboro Arts Museum and past President of the Wickford Art Association.”
Lorraine’s studio is located at “Studio 123” 123 Boon St, Narragansett, RI, where much of her work is on display. More of her work can be seen at
“Clinging Jellyfish“ by Chris Machinski
Watercolor and gouache
Art measures 10 ½ “ x 9”, frame measures 14 ¾” x 12 ¾”
Auction item #9
About the artwork:
Painted after one was found while volunteering for a What Lives in the River event.
About the artist:
Christina Machinski is a visual artist based in Rhode Island who graduated with a B.S. in Marine Biology from the University of New Haven in 2013. They continued their education at the Rhode Island School of Design where they completed a certificate in natural science illustration in 2016.
Their work tends to follow whatever their interests are in the current moment. This can range from their love of ocean creatures to the worlds and characters of their own mind or the minds of others. They tend to use their art as either a way to capture the subject’s character or story, or to express how they feel about that chosen subject.
Photograph in handmade, salvaged driftwood frame measuring 21” x 27”
Auction item #10
About the artist:
Joseph R. Beckham was born in Rhode Island and has spent most of his life on, in or near the sea. Joe pursues his love of photography as Light Forge Studio.
As an avid diver, Joe began shooting underwater photography at a young age. His recent photographs chronicle nature and outdoor life, and he prefers to shoot in natural light. Joe is frequently seen cruising the salt marshes of Narrow River in his boat, SQUID, or capturing photos of surfers along the sea wall.
Joe worked in the marine industry as a boat builder and marine engineer for nearly 30 years and continues to consult on new construction projects. Currently, he is working on support boats for the offshore wind farms. He’s crewed on numerous ocean racing sailboats, participating in many races including the Trans-Atlantic, the Fastnet, as well as the Bermuda race.
In search of unique frames to compliment his work, Joe began making his own out of salvaged, reclaimed lumber and driftwood. He has a loyal following of customers who come to him for the unique colors, hand-rubbed and distressed finishes he creates.
Best known as the actor who played Del on NBC’s long-running hit comedy “Caroline in the City” among many other roles, Eric’s first passion is fine art and painting. Eric is the son of well-known marine artist John D. Lutes, who served as an official portrait artist for the US Navy. He grew up in an art-friendly home on the East Coast. While his father’s influence can be seen in his work, Eric has developed a unique and captivating style.
When painting quahogs or oysters, he has been referred to as the Georgia O’Keefe of the sea. In addition to painting and continued work in film and theater, Eric is a Senior Fellow at the Rhode Island Coastal Institute at the University of Rhode Island, Bay Campus. From the sweeping waves of Charlestown beach to the rocky shores of Maine, Eric captures the strength and ever-changing quality of the sea.
Currently, Eric’s work can be seen and purchased at his main gallery, Charlestown Art Gallery in Charlestown, RI, as well as the Matunuck Oyster Bar in Matunuck, RI, Inspire Medical Spa in Narragansett, RI and on his website
“Wampum Heart“ by Lessa Shear
Shell on watercolor paper
Art measures 8 ¼” x 8 ¼”. Framed (no glass) measures 14” x 14”
Auction item #12
About the artist:
Lessa Shear creates mixed media art with beachcombed objects.
She says “Collecting shells and beach combing began with our yearly family trips to the ocean when I was growing up. I have explored beaches around the world and was lucky to finally settle in a Rhode Island seaside town. I was inspired to create art from the items found on our local beaches to share my love of the ocean and its weathered treasures.
I especially love finding stones worn smooth by the tides that may seem lifeless, but bring out deep emotion when they become a family. I often wonder about the origins of a piece of sea glass, where it started before finding its way to this beach, who may have held it when it was a fully formed bottle.
Every piece of driftwood, every stone, and every piece of sea-glass has its own story that I will never know, but I bring them together to make a new story, maybe one that reminds you of your family, your friends and your time at the beach.”
“I grew up in London on Montague Street, next to the British Museum. Our street was a diverse mix of families; English, Italian, Greek, Irish, Jewish, and one mixed-race family—mine.
My father was from Accra, Ghana. In the 1930’s, Dad was an African novelty showman called Prince Zulamkah, Prince of the Zulus. He traveled all over England with his troupe performing African Shows. My mum was an English Lancashire lass.
I went to St Martin-in-the-Fields School on Trafalgar Square. I loved school, especially the art classes. At home, I would sit at the kitchen table and design dresses with my colored pencils. I wanted to be a dress designer. When I came to the States, I took classes at Parsons New School of Design in NYC. I started with watercolors.
Now, I work in acrylic on canvas and wood. I love the flow of the acrylic medium. The name “Kole” comes from my father’s sister in Ghana. I grew up looking at her photograph on our mantle piece and feel a connection to her. I know she is with me in spirit. When someone enters a room with one of my paintings, I hope they feel good, even joyful and at peace. Some garden paintings, when they are finished feel very spiritual and seem to flow from my childhood in England.
I often think my African roots have influenced my abstract paintings. With my husband, Larry, as my loyal assistant, I enjoy being on the road and meeting new friends. I cherish my patrons who visit my shows year after year.”
Photograph professionally matted and framed in Conservation Clear True Vue glass. Measures 29″ x 23″
Auction Item #14
About the artist: Richard Benjamin, a prolific Rhode Island photographer, shares his work on his website,
He says “As a photojournalist for 32 years, 27 of them at the Providence Journal, and now as a “fine art” photographer, I have made an effort to avoid what I refer to as “drive-by shootings”. I have captured various locations many times at different times of the day and in different seasons of the year trying to capture the magic of Rhode Island.
I also have included many photos that show the lifestyle and how people in Rhode Island enjoy simply living here. Hopefully the photos you will see on this site will bring about a greater appreciation for the smallest state in the union.”
“Nukhasahkee(Mother Earth)“ by Lorén M. Spears
Weaving of acrylic wool, cedar, abalone & quahog shell (wampum), antler, twine cordage and glass beads measuring 20 3/4” x 35”
Auction Item #15
About the Art:
Fingerweaving is an ancient and traditional art form. This piece is an adaptation of traditional utilitarian creations such as headbands, leg garters, arm bands, sashes, belts, and basket/bag straps. This piece represents Mother Earth, who provides for us. The colors represent the land, waters, and atmosphere. The adornments represent land and water plants and animals, reminding us we are all connected. “We are the Earth, the Earth is us. What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves”. Wisdom of our ancestors passed down to ensure our health, wellbeing, and sustainability.
About the artist:
Lorén M. Spears, Narragansett/Niantic, enrolled citizen of the Narragansett Nation
As a Narragansett, arts are woven throughout my life. Traditional arts express who I am as an Indigenous woman. I have been doing arts my whole life and have been teaching arts to others within my community for over 35 years. I advocate for Native artists, promote Native arts programs, create and teach Native arts.
I practice many different art forms including beadwork, jewelry making, painting (oil, acrylics, watercolors) collage, fingerweaving, basketry, writing, poetry, storytelling, traditional dancing, traditional cooking, regalia making, quillwork, corn husk dolls, collage, digital storytelling and digital photography.
I feel that doing traditional arts empowers me, as well as my community. It keeps us connected to our ancestors and elders. It also helps us keep our culture vibrant for generations to come.
All I do is for my children, grandchild, family and community.
Limited edition screen print in a handcrafted frame by Joe Beckham.
Measures 12 5/8” x 16 1/4”
Auction Item #16
About the artist:
Ashley Van Etten is an illustrator and owner of Willywaw, and artisan studio that creates handprinted textiles and prints. Her work reflects a curiosity for the organic forms found in nature and are often inspired by the sea.
More of Ashley’s work can be seen at
“Twilight in Vermont” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 26 5/8” x 18”
Auction item #100
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Leaf Detail – Pachira aquatica” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 21 1/4” x 21 1/4”
Auction item #101
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Pride & Joy – Port of Gallilee – Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 20 1/2” x 23”
Auction item #102
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Cyclamen 1” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 22 1/2” x 22 1/2”
Auction item #103
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Life on Decaying Log” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 27 3/4” x 18 1/4”
Auction item #104
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
Untitled by Bill Krul
Photograph printed on canvas. Framed. Measures 36” x 15 3/4”
Auction item #105
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Fractured Rocks and Dead Leaves” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 28 3/4” x 27”
Auction item #107
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Central Arezzo – Tuscany Region – Italy” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 38 3/4” x 31 1/4”
Auction item #108
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Symmetry #2 – New Mexico Autumn” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 34 1/2” x 33”
Auction item #109
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Daffy Twirl“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 26 1/2” x 28 1/4”
Auction item #110
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Ilha do Galinhos – Natal, Brasil” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 32 3/4” x 32 3/4”
Auction item #111
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Forest Trolls” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 30 1/2” x 33”
Auction item #112
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Orange Door of Parati” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 27 1/2” x 28”
Auction item #113
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Rose” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 14 3/4″ x 14 3/4″
Auction item #114
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Pigeons on the Towers“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 11” x 14”
Auction item #115
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Scabiossa” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 14 3/4″ x 14 3/4″
Auction item #116
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
Untitled by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 14 3/4″ x 14 3/4″
Auction item #117
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Bird on a Wire ~ Port of Galilee ~ Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 18 3/4″ x 18 3/4″
Auction item #118
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Bougainvillea” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 24″ x 24″
Auction item #119
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Cat in the Doorway – Monsaratz, Portugal“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 19” x 25”.
Auction item #120
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Tulip“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 21 1/4” x 21 1/2”.
Auction item #121
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Bowl of Waterlilies” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 22″ x 22″
Auction item #123
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Survivor“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 21 1/2” x 21”.
Auction item #126
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Bald Eagle ~ Roger Williams Zoo ~ Providence, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 22″ x 22″
Auction item #127
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Kinney Bungalow ~ Sunset Farm ~ Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 25 1/2″ x 19 1/4″
Auction item #128
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Winter Coat – Saunderstown” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 25 1/4″ x 19 1/4″
Auction item #129
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Iris Flood #2” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 27″ x 23″
Auction item #130
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Fresia Kaleidoscope“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 33” x 27 1/4”
Auction item #131
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Fresh Lobster – Port of Galilee – Narragansett, RI“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 30 1/4” x 17 3/4”
Auction item #132
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Kinney Bungalow II – Sunset Farm – Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 25 1/4” x 19 1/4”
Auction item #133
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Chemtrail #1 – Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted and framed. Measures 25 1/4” x 19 1/2”
Auction item #136
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Endive” by Bill Krul
Photograph printed on canvas. Stretched onto frame. Dimensions 22 1/2″ x 22 1/2″
Auction item #137
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Dark-eyed Junco“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 14” x 11”
Auction item #138
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Winter Fog – Third Beach – Newport, RI“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 14” x 11”
Auction item #139
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Proof That the Earth is Round“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 10” x 8″
Auction item #140
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Tulip“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 20” x 20.5”
Auction item #141
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Clearing Fog – South Kingstown Town Beach“ by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 24” x 18”
Auction item #142
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
untitled work by Theresa Girard
Original oil on paper. Matted. Art measures 9.5″ x 9.5″, mat measures 17″ x 17″
Auction item #143
About the Artist:
“I am influenced by an emotional connection to art and most things that make life interesting. World events, love, trauma, and nature certainly play a role. My work is a purposeful and mostly intuitive motion.
There is a certain place in the soul that reflects uniqueness. My goal in my pieces is to find that place. I utilize materials that I have collected and enjoy combining the old with the new. I work in layers and textures, much like in my life. I love rediscovering and recycling my artwork, it is a total resurrection.”
More of Theresa’s work can be seen on her website at
untitled work by Theresa Girard
Original oil on paper. Matted. Art measures 9.5″ x 9.5″, mat measures 17″ x 17″
Auction item #144
About the Artist:
“I am influenced by an emotional connection to art and most things that make life interesting. World events, love, trauma, and nature certainly play a role. My work is a purposeful and mostly intuitive motion.
There is a certain place in the soul that reflects uniqueness. My goal in my pieces is to find that place. I utilize materials that I have collected and enjoy combining the old with the new. I work in layers and textures, much like in my life. I love rediscovering and recycling my artwork, it is a total resurrection.”
More of Theresa’s work can be seen on her website at
“Apponaug Cove II ~ Warwick, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 21 3/4” x 21 1/2”
Auction item #145
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Twilight in Vermont” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Measures 17” x 22”
Auction item #146
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
Untitled piece by Bill Krul
Photograph. Measures 17” x 22”
Auction item #147
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Variations on a Doorway I” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 29 1/2” x 26 1/2”
Auction item #148
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“August Dawn ~ Point Judith ~ Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 16 1/2” x 29”
Auction item #149
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Getting Ready to Race ~ America’s Cup Race 2012 ~ Jamestown, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 18” x 24”
Auction item #150
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Waiting for Stripers ~ Charlestown Breachway ~ Charlestown, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 18” x 24”
Auction item #151
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Nasturtium” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 16” x 20”
Auction item #152
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Early Risers ~ The Towers ~ Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 18” x 24”
Auction item #153
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Dutch Island Lighthouse from Jamestown, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 18” x 24”
Auction item #154
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Dragon Lady ~ Port of Gallilee ~ Narragansett, RI” by Bill Krul
Photograph. Matted. Measures 19” x 24”
Auction item #155
About the Artist:
Bill Krul taught Plant Science at University of Rhode Island for 22 years. Upon his retirement, he made his hobby of photography into a full time pursuit.
Featuring a wide variety of subjects, Bill creates stunning images of landscapes, city scenes, and wildlife. Bill’s background as a plant scientists is reflected in his many prints of vibrant flowers and leaves, including stunning close up photos and images artistically swirled or reflected in a kaleidoscope effect.
More of Bill’s photographs can be seen on his facebook page.
“Retirement” by AJ Reilly
Photograph recreated from an original oil painting by AJ Reilly using archival quality paper and ink. Number 5/25 in the series.
Many thanks to all who joined us on the Juneteenth Holiday to celebrate the emancipation of African captives in America, and as we honor all those enslaved in this region and on Casey Farm. Learn more about the lives of enslaved people here.
We gathered on Sunday, June 19 from noon – 4pm at Casey Farm, 2325 Boston Neck Road, Saunderstown, R.I. Admission was free, with food for sale.
At this family-friendly day, guests explored the farm on foot and by hayride. All enjoyed music by the Nettukkusqk Singers, the URI African Drummers and Dancers, and Sidy Maiga & Afrimanding.
The highlight of the day was the unveiling of a R.I. Slave History Medallion on the front lawn. The medallion includes a QR code linking to the RISHM website where visitors are invited to learn more about enslaved people in this area.
Sarcastic Sweets sold cupcakes, cookies, brownies, cake bites, gluten-free and vegan desserts.
Incred-a-bowl food truck, a multicultural food company that serves delicious and healthy food with bowled (bold) flavors, such as Cuban chili mango bowl, Spicy kimchi noodles, Liberian bowls, and Korean BBQ beef, was a huge hit with our guests!
Historic records indicate that Southern RI is the site of the largest African slave holdings in New England. For many years, the ‘Narragansett Plantations’ were home to African and Indigenous captives on appropriated land. Learn more about the history of slavery in the area at the event and at
Registration will be available at the swim for the remaining 18 spaces available. Registration opens at 7:45am.
Annually in late June, Narrow River Preservation Association hosts a one mile open water swim in one of Rhode Island’s most scenic waterways.
When: Saturday, June 25, 2022, 9:00am (rain or shine)
Where: URI Boathouse – Campanella Rowing Center, 166 Walmsley Lane, North Kingstown, R.I.
Registration: Online or by mail. Online registration closes at 6pm the day before the swim. In person registration the morning of the swim will be available if space allows.
Entry Fee: $35 if by June 15; $40 after 6/15 and the day of the swim. Includes 2022 Turnaround Swim T-shirt (size guaranteed for registrations by 5/30).
Distance: One Mile (1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back). Common start for wetsuit and non-wetsuit divisions.
Limit: 150 participants.
Timing: Ankle chip timing by Timing Plus New England.
Check In: 7:45 to 8:40 a.m. No one will be admitted to the Turnaround Swim unless he or she has checked in and received a numbered swim cap by 8:40 a.m.
Maximum Time: Swimmers are given one hour to complete the swim.
Mandatory Safety Briefing: 8:55 a.m.
Safety: Because of the uncertainty of weather conditions such as fog or lightning, the lifeguards and event committee reserve the right to cancel the event to ensure the safety of the participants.
Swim Sponsors: For a donation of $25, become a member of NRPA and have your name printed on the Swim T-shirt to show your support for Narrow River (if received by 5/30).
15th Annual Pettaquamscutt Paddle – Friday July 29, 2022
Thanks to all who joined us on Friday July 29, for a guided sunset paddle hosted by Narrow River Kayaks in support of Narrow River Preservation Association.
When: Friday, July 29 @ 5 pm (Rain date Friday, August 5)
What: Guided Sunset Paddle
5-5:30pm: Check in and outfitting
5:30-6pm: Safety Briefing, Welcome from NRPA Vice President Veronica Berounsky Lee
6-8pm: Guided Sunset Paddle
8-9pm: Refreshments and cleanup
Cost: $25 per person
All proceeds benefit Narrow River Preservation Association
Walk-ins cannot be guaranteed a spot.
Limit of 4 participants per reservation.
Your registration fee of $25 per person includes your choice of solo or tandem kayak and all related equipment including pfd (personal flotation device) and paddle. Participants will also receive a souvenir commemorating the 15th year of the Pettaquamscutt Paddle. 100% of the proceeds go directly to NRPA!
All participants must complete and sign our waiver form.
Laminated maps with paddle routes and basic paddle and safety instruction will be provided with each launch.
Narrow River Kayaks Staff, Guides and NRPA Board Members will join us on the river to answer your questions and inform participants on various topics concerning the watershed, including wildlife and marine life that inhabit the estuary, environmental projects in the wildlife refuge, geology, ecology, history and more.
We will have exhibits highlighting Narrow River, Narrow River Preservation Association, live footage of NRPA’s Osprey cam and more!
Participants will also have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for NRPA’s Annual Kayak Raffle (drawing in October).